Alex Shink
March 4, 2024

Ana Virginia Jofili, MD.

1. What's your practice focus and what kind of clients knock on your door ?

I am a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and hormone expert guiding women over 40 to reclaim their body, mind and mojo to master their metabolism, sleep deeper, have more energy and always be in a kickass good mood.

I rely on evidence based medicine to create treatment plans using natural therapies -this attracts that want expert solutions to address the true causes of their symptoms and a plan tailored to their unique needs and lifestyle - entrepreneurs, women in STEM and the C Suite.

2. Tell us about yourself. 

Since becoming a doctor in 2005, I’ve dedicated myself to female clients feeling out-of-control with symptoms like mine once were. In my teens and 20s, I struggled with irregular cycles that would disappear for months, I felt frustrated and powerless.

Now I blend my clinical expertise with personal experience. My practice helps women reboot their bodies despite chaotic changes of peri/menopause with natural solutions to bring back balance, energy, and vibrancy.

3. Tell us the story of a patient who you are most proud of helping.

Before I met Diana, age 42, she was thinking about doing hysterectomy to completely remove her uterus and ovaries because she couldn’t bare the discomfort that she has been feeling for a long time. For many months, Diana has only slept less than 5 hours a night - she was too exhausted and irritable to play with her 5 year old daughter and this left them both in tears.

I discovered and corrected the hormonal causes of her low energy, fatigue, irritability and now she feels like herself again.

4. What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a practitioner in private practice?

Staying productive without over-working or stressing out takes effort as a solopreneur.

I am a big fan of time-blocking and having a theme for each day of the week. I reserve Tuesdays and Thursdays for patient consultations, reviewing lab results and matters directly related to patient care. I do most of my networking and outreach on Mondays and Fridays; business administrative and financial tasks on Fridays; professional development and preparing for speaking engagements on Wednesdays.

5. What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a private practice today?\

The top 3 tips I would give to anyone looking to start, run, and grow a private practice today would be :

  1. Find your niche and then collaborate with others inside and outside of your industry to broaden the reach of your message.
  2. Some of my most cherished business builders have been courses or classes I collaborated on with other doctors, retreats that I have co-hosted with other wellness professionals and workshops
  3. I have led at corporations outside of the wellness industry (engineering and aerospace firms, law firms, grocery chains and fashion designers).

6. Where can people find you?


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