My mission is simple.
I believe everyone can get to a state of thriving by accumulating 1% wins, such as:
My journey in understanding the determinants of human health first required me to heal my own issues.
Being a child of immigrants, raised in an upper-middle-class household, I have a funny mix of innate ambition and comfort - like a lot of my clients.
With that said, my mom was mentally ill and passed away when I was 17, and as a consequence, I grew up in a house with a lot of trauma and anxiety, with resulting stomach pain, sleep issues and emotional distress.
To heal, psychotherapy and even pharmacology has helped, a lot. However, for some people, one hour of therapy cannot fully touch on the day-to-day actions needed to have good days.
Trying to solve my health issues, I learned that most of life is lived in the mundane - movement, sunlight, sleep, work, eating.
Many of us really compromise one or many of these because of work or family stressors, and these little decisions really add up.
Using my proprietary accountability system, I help clients get measurable improvement on their habits, their sleep routines, their decisions around food, and their time and work management. With my accountability and encouragement, they build habits which stick over time, resulting in better days, better overall emotional health, and a feeling of control & confidence.