Alex Shink
August 1, 2023

dorothy martin-neville, PhD.

1. What's your practice focus and what kind of clients knock on your door ?

My practice has evolved significantly over 30+ years. As a psychotherapist I began to see patterns of patients coming in with particular diseases who all had similar personality styles so I became certified in 9 modalities.Did a doctoral dissertation on The Psycho/Spiritual Causality of Physical Diseases and Disorders, opened an Institute for 19 years, I stopped seeing most patients, became a Business/Life coach and support folks taking their business to the next level without illness or stress

2. Tell us about yourself. 

Seeing therapy clients with the same personalities developing the same illness changed my life path. I've developed a self-assessment leadership tool showing how various types of leadership have particular strengths and vulnerabilities -plus illnesses based on common stress patterns . Calling leaders to follow their purpose rather than just the money not only makes them happy it makes them healthier THAT excites me AND it helps change the culture of their organization to one of joy and purpose.

3. Tell us the story of a patient who you are most proud of helping.

After 30+ years there are so many. I had a client who was head of a major hospital in the USA who was ahead of her times. After years of resistance from department heads she was becoming ill. In looking further she was called to entrepreneurship and was ready to stop pushing those who didn't want to be pushed and start to see her work impact the country. She joined with a former classmate got several million investment dollars, opened up their own company, and she got her health back.

4. What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a practitioner in private practice?

Finding balance in building your business and living your life.

5. What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a private practice today?\

The top 3 tips I'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a private practice today are:

  1. Get out here and SPEAK. SPEAK. AND SPEAK. No one will hire you if they don't know you exist.
  2. Keep a record of all clients contact information for future promotions.
  3. Assuming you love it, promote your business every where you go.

6. Where can people find you?


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