Alex Shink
January 27, 2023

Health Span & my grandmother

6 of 10 Americans have one chronic disease.  4 of 10 have 2+ (CDC)

So, it falls on our generations to be caregivers, ultimately.

If we can 'green pill'. or help our families get healthier, that caregiving burden is reduced.

Or, at least, the person & the prospective caregiver get a sense of control & taking action, not just suffering without means to reduce the strife.

How I helped my grandmother:

  • Got her a home health aide
  • Spent actual time at her appointments
  • Called her doctors repeatedly
  • Got her an iPad

My mom passed in '09, and my grandma did not have her support.

She was a VERY Independent Person but ultimately, diabetes, heart disease, glaucoma & dementia would fell even the strongest tree.

We supported her by all of the bullet points above, and most of all, calling and spending time doing so.  And visiting monthly.

I am very interested in this subject of caring for our loved ones, and will be writing more. 

Stay tuned or register for the Green Pill newsletter below, if you haven't already.


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