1. What's your practice focus and what kind of clients knock on your door ?
During the pandemic, I switched from solely seeing individuals to coaching in order to teach classes and host retreats across state lines. It's been AMAZING! I am Level 2 IFS trained, and the orientation is so great for retreats. Creating Healing Circles on Retreats has transformed not only the participants who didn't realize they needed real life communities, but I too have been transformed.
2. Tell us about yourself.
I got into PP because I wanted more control over scheduling and types of clients I wanted to see. Because I get to choose clients based on referrals and who I can best work with, I now LIKE ALL of my clients because I am choosing who to work with and who to find someone more suited for them. Knowing I am not all things to all people is the number one most important thing that keeps me grounded.
3. Tell us the story of a patient who you are most proud of helping.
Woah, that is difficult because there are so many. But - I love working with enmeshed parents. Normally the way we parent is because of the way we were parented. When a parent is terrified for their child when there is no reason to be TERRIFIED, I LOVE untangling their past from the present. I love helping them strengthen their emotional muscles in order to tolerate their child actually failing and suffering. These types of transformations seem miraculous!
4. What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a practitioner in private practice?
Loneliness. That is why it has been so delicious to begin teaching classes and running retreats! It literally feeds my soul.
5. What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a private practice today?\
The top three tips I would give anyone looking to start, run, and grow their private practice is to: