1. What's your practice focus and what kind of clients knock on your door ?
I'm an expressive arts therapist specialized in dance/movement therapy, so my clients want to work creatively with art, movement, visualization, writing and other means. I also offer Ketamine therapy. Most of my clients are successful adults who have experienced developmental trauma and have diagnosis such as adhd, anxiety, depression or ptsd. In general, they want to have a healthier self-worth and healthier relationships.
2. Tell us about yourself.
I was working in Long Island, NY as a yoga and meditation teacher, ordained interfaith minister, and reiki practitioner also certified in Let Your Yoga Dance ®. I would blend art, writing, dance, or singing into my yoga classes and I saw people transform into greater fulfillment, balance, and health. I wanted to learn more about how people thrive from an integration of body, mind, and spirit, and I wanted to be in private practice. So I entered the journey to become a psychotherapist.
3. Tell us the story of a patient who you are most proud of helping.
To be honest, I’d rather not share a client story.
4. What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a practitioner in private practice?
It was hard for me to create my private practice because of my insecurities about the new actions required. It intimidated me to get registered as a pllc, build a website, connect with insurers, advertise. The fear of the unknown was harder than the reality. Now, being in private practice is fabulous.
5. What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a private practice today?\
The top three tips I would give anyone looking to start, run, and grow their private practice is to: