1. What's your practice focus and who are your typical patients?
I work with individuals of all ages. My goal is to provide a space of safety and acceptance for my clients, supporting them as they become more self aware, and as they work through the vast array of feelings and experiences that life brings. We work together to explore where patterns have originated, and to mine the depths where their internal strength can be found.
2. Tell us about yourself.
I have always felt it is an honor to witness and participate in others' journeys towards health. For many years I worked as a Licensed Massage Therapist, providing very deep body work. Working as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor is an extension of this desire to support others. I also offer Jungian-based Sandplay Therapy, which provides a non-verbal way of accessing and working with deeper, unconscious energies that are impacting people's experiences.
3. Tell us the story of a patient who you are most proud of helping.
A young adult woman came to my office specifically seeking a new way of relating with someone in her life. In our time together she discovered tools that positively impacted her not only in that particular instance, but in every aspect of her life. She was relieved and thrilled to know that she has a healthier way of approaching her life and all that is before her, and was able to recognize the changes that were happening as a result of her new perspective.
4. What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a practitioner in private practice?
While I really enjoy having a private practice, and have chosen this way of working, I sometimes miss the comradery of being with other therapists. I find that creating regular time with colleagues is very important to me.
5. What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a private practice today?\
Be sure to ground yourself by relating regularly with other mental health care professionals.
Find ways of reaching out to the community through Resource Centers or volunteering your time regularly as a way of giving back and a way of letting others get to know you.
In the early stages, while you are waiting to get your practice off the ground, set regular office hours for yourself to get in the habit of showing up, and use that time to build your business by preparing all your paperwork, working on your advertising, and creating an inviting space. This dedicated time is a great way to prep for all the clients that will slowly begin finding you and telling others about you!