1. What's your practice focus and what kind of clients knock on your door ?
I started my practice about 8 years ago, a lot has changed over time, and some things have very much remained the same. I have always been interested in helping women with complex trauma , which I have only become more passionate about over time. Recently, I stared offering longer session lengths, 90-120 minutes, which allows for more time to dig a bit deeper and do more experiential work in session. I want clients to feel confident implementing exercises we do in session in their daily life.
2. Tell us about yourself.
Like most therapist, I started this work from a desire to learn more about myself and help others in the process. I began studying neuroscience in grad school and found the subject matter to be so informative and helpful in my work and something I am still passonate about. In more recent years, I have found more of a spiritual side and am energized each day through rituals I have designed for myself over time that include yoga, breath work, journaling and reading.
3. Tell us the story of a patient who you are most proud of helping.
I don't think there is one patient in particular- more like several over the years that have taught me so much about humility, holding shame and saying "I'm sorry". I'm most proud of myself in the moments where I can see that I have hurt someone and take ownership over it. It's taken me a really long time to learn that it's okay to hurt people, and can actually be healing, for both of you if you take responsibility and hold some shame around your actions.
4. What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a practitioner in private practice?
Unlike most jobs, other people or peers don't every actually see your work, so it can feel hard to know how you are doing without that constructive feedback. I have found being in case consultation groups to somewhat help ease the stress of this but not fully. It can also be a very isolating job, so you have to find creative ways to fill your time between clients. I think you get really good at spending time with yourself.
5. What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a private practice today?\
The top three tips I would give anyone looking to start, run, and grow their private practice is to: