Alex Shink
June 21, 2023

Nicole Delli Paoli, MA, LMHC, MCAP, QS.

1. What's your practice focus and what kind of clients knock on your door ?

We are a holistic mental health counseling practice focusing on women's mental health and trauma recovery. We offer additional wellness services to enhance our clients' therapy outcomes, including Guided Meditation, Mental Wellness Yoga, Accelerated Resolution Therapy (specialized trauma therapy technique), and more. We work with women, teenage girls, couples, and families.

2. Tell us about yourself. 

As the practice founder & owner, I was inspired by my experience working in the mental health field for over a decade and unfortunately witnessing firsthand the poor quality of care provided by traditional mental health providers. At my practice, we empower our clients to become the best version of themselves, which includes viewing them as a whole person and understanding that all parts of who they are interconnected.

3. Tell us the story of a patient who you are most proud of helping.

It is challenging to identify only one client in my 12+ years of experience. I will say that being a part of each client's healing journey, specifically trauma & substance use recovery, has been very rewarding. An inspiring story: a woman who was able to heal from her past trauma and forgive her "abuser" by recognizing that hurt people hurt people. She was able to find acceptance with her trauma, identify the positive outcomes because of it, and experience empathy for another wounded human.

4. What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a practitioner in private practice?

I view challenges as opportunities for growth & utilize them as learning experiences. For me, I have thrived because of not giving up when faced with challenges. I am grateful for what I do and enjoy the challenges that come along with it! I love being a therapist; I love being an entrepreneur! However, for many clinicians I know, their greatest challenge has been balancing the business world with the therapy world.

5. What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a private practice today?\

Here are my three: 

1. Fine-tune & become an expert in your craft first. You need to be confident in what you're doing before you can market your services & excel.

2. Get comfortable w/setting boundaries, specifically financial boundaries. The business side of mental health requires you to make decisions directly correlated to finances, such as establishing No Show fees, your rates, staff compensation as well as business expenses.

3. Research & study the successful people in your field to give you perspective!

6. Where can people find you?


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