1. What's your practice focus and what kind of clients knock on your door ?
I am an analyst of Jungian psychology. People in search of life meaning, making sense of their problems and wanting more that the quick fix that does not work will seek out this approach. The mind, body and soul are involved in the problem and the repair. The in-depth work leads to solidity of the personality with endless rewards for development.
2. Tell us about yourself.
I have been doing this career my entire life. The uniqueness of the psyche means each session brings new knowledge and growth. There is always more to learn. Listening to the depths of a person sharing their suffering and wanting to make sense of it all is challenging and rewarding. It is a process emphasizing the unconscious and the jewels contained there. We travel from early in life to the present to make life a richer experience from all that has occurred.
3. Tell us the story of a patient who you are most proud of helping.
I will not give one but a general example. Someone had a long-term relationship but decided to leave. Their friend was in Jungian analysis with me and suggested they try it. The person began and soon life expanded to include activities formerly given up, new interests emerged, the focus shifted from being busy to fulfillment. Journaling and attention to dreams and inner reflections emerged bringing the richness of their personality forward. New aspects of life came to light as the world opened.
4. What's one of the hardest things that comes with being a practitioner in private practice?
The ability to start being conscious of oneself. This means being aware of where the person is, their problems, complexes and how these impact the analytical work. This is a joint venture to expand the personality
5. What are the top 3 tips you'd give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a private practice today?\
Here are my three:
1. Work with diligence and patience.
2. Let people know where you are.
3. Be clear about your expertise.
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